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Contending For Peace

Updated: Oct 18, 2023

When my child was killed, it rattled my cage and woke up the warrior on the inside of me.

Fighting the good fight of faith to hold onto everything that was rightfully mine, even in grief, was truly a fight. I was greeted on the other side of that battle with a celebration of restoration and joy.

The effect of a significant loss feels like being caught in a torrential downpour of agony, then drowning in sorrow. Temporary comfort eases the pain, but only until the weight of grief begins to suffocate the life out of you, taking a real toll on the mind, body, and soul.

A firm foundation, established through my early childhood upbringing set my feet upon a foundational truth found in Psalm 15. The last part sums it up for me . . . "He who does these things will never be shaken."

Oh!! Well, that explains a few things!!

People used to look at me in amazement, as if taking God at his word was a bizarre thing, but for me, it was the most natural thing to do at the time. I dug my feet in the sand (the foundation of God's word) and it helped me to obtain the very present help that I needed to get through to the other side of life's dark valleys.

I wasn't ready for my son to die, but I was prepared for it. Assuming the warrior's stance, I'm going through my Psalm 15 checklist. There are a couple of areas which need my immediate attention. The little foxes will not be allowed to gnaw away at my peace in this season. What about YOU?

Until the next time, F.A.R.T.S. (find a reason to smile)

Charmaine LaFondé

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